So rchain will have 1 billion coins, out of which more than 90% will be held with the CO-OP?
How would RCHAIN negate the possible lawsuits coming against it with almost no funding? [From Synereo] - As mentioned by its CEO
When will there be a working product, After 10 years?...As mentioned by greg [ founder of rchain]
Videos, videos, talk and more talks....Promises and more promises, And you guys cant even have a firm redemption date before posting...pathetic in a sense
FYI- Redemption has been delayed as they still dont have a working code and have problems with OMNI node!
What would be the claims?
Under what jurisdiction?
Did an Israeli company really employee a United States individual? OR what is done differently?
There's video record proving Synereo has no intention on building RChain, so its hard to say it's competing.
IMHO a large portion of that 90% could go into bounty programs to help dilute the pressure and influence you and other bladdy blah whales think they'll have over RChain.
Your not fooling anyone, your going to jump on the bandwagon, you may not do it publicly. Since you don't create, you have to try and destroy in order to preserve your current comfort level. I get it, but ultimately your fear of missing out controls you like the strings of a puppet.
IMHO the videos, talks, proposals, and community transparency all indicate a project living up to the "open source eco-system" values that are obviously been bastardized by others in the space. Your judging this as bad because your not the target audience, so you don't actually get it.
If you were the target audience, your points would matter. But your not, so they don't. ("But I have a bunch of AMPs, and I can make numbers go up and down on exchanges and") AMP has no value, RHOC has no value.
There is very much a ground swell of talented developers and skilled positions ready and willing to help out Greg. This conversation and your points are dust in the wind, the "talks and talks..." are serving to cement a "1000 True Fans" type movement that will be ultimately scale and sustain, IMHO. Its called ground work for a reason.
I get your sole sucking motives, maybe take that to another community.
Foreal, your style belongs on the other side of history.