He's referring to broken equipment that has lost durability. If you craft say 2 inz mining lasers at once and one of them is broken and one is at full durability, then both come out broken.
Yup! Unfortunate really, but hopefully not many people will hit this rare case.
I would like to present a simple SG tutorial Ive made. We can stick it on the game forum, put it on SG facebook as a link and such. Im planning on intermediate and advanced SG tutorial in the future.
Here is the link.
http://earnbitcoinsonline.siterubix.com/11-2. Yes I promote my blog Ive recently made that way, so expect some new materials in it.
Excellent! Is it already on FB?
Constructively, I'd recommend asking someone to proof-read it. I know my own spelling and grammar are not on par most of the time, but still, it would be nicer to read. All IMHO from here on below. The part on hunting your first ship should be in the next article. People need to get quite a few satoshi to get to that part, so it's kinda not the priority question. Delivery jobs, however, deserve a full and complete section, and maybe would be good for explaining the Map and Jumping around. I also think you misplace a screenshot and it's caption a few times. (As far as I got, your preferred format is screenshot first, caption next, but it's not uniform).
I really liked the part about explaining the UI, and the very in-depth look at every button, I think this is something that can help newbies tremendously. As I personally know, writing about SG is hard, and I think you did a formidable job, thank you.
Sorry for "reviewing" it.
I'm getting only 7 CPU Point when try to refill it.
Is there any limitation you can do in a day?
There is no time-based limitation, but the CPU rate can (and will) fall for various technical/security/anti-bot reasons. If this happens to you often you should contact support (like you just did).
Sent you a PM.
bug- canceled planetary buy orders still allow people to land.
I just saw someone land on my planet and there are no permissions to...
Thank you, filed!
In the meantime... Are there any satoshi pending inside that job? If so, could you please try to withdraw them and see if it changes anything.