.....This is worth 20KH/s on my 280X......from 343KHs to 363KH/s at 1020MHz clock
.....now somebody needs to find 20KH/s more for me....
change the XORBytesInPlace call from
XORBytesInPlace(B + bufidx, input, BLAKE2S_OUT_SIZE);
XORBytesInPlace(B + bufidx, input, bufidx);
and change the function itself to perform some byte alignment checking
// a bit of byte alignment checking goes a long ways...
void XORBytesInPlace(void *restrict dst, const void *restrict src, uint mod)
switch(mod % 4)
case 0:
#pragma unroll 2
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i+=2)
((uint2 *)dst)[i] ^= ((uint2 *)src)[i];
((uint2 *)dst)[i+1] ^= ((uint2 *)src)[i+1];
case 2:
#pragma unroll 8
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i+=2)
((uchar2 *)dst)[i] ^= ((uchar2 *)src)[i];
((uchar2 *)dst)[i+1] ^= ((uchar2 *)src)[i+1];
#pragma unroll 8
for(int i = 0; i < 31; i+=4)
((uchar *)dst)[i] ^= ((uchar *)src)[i];
((uchar *)dst)[i+1] ^= ((uchar *)src)[i+1];
((uchar *)dst)[i+2] ^= ((uchar *)src)[i+2];
((uchar *)dst)[i+3] ^= ((uchar *)src)[i+3];
Later you said
Very interesting. I get about 2% gain on 7950 and need to use (mod % 2) with the case statements adjusted accordingly.
My 280X gains almost 6% as is, but the gain difference between (mod % 2) and (mod % 4) is pretty small, like 1-2 KHs
When you used (mod %2, same as mod &1), what are the case statements inside XORBytesInPlace(void *restrict dst, const void *restrict src, uint mod)?