what features of a block explorer do you find necessary above everything else? if a bridge explorer will be built to include more details, what do you find absolutely necessary RIGHT NOW?
Geez, don't have to get defensive about it. Can't anyone inquire without any bias. lol
On a serious note, only reason I ask about the block explorer is that certain exchanges and coinmarketcap require a real-time one with api calls.
oh i wasnt getting defensive, im genuinely curious what features yourself and other community members feel are necessary in a block explorer. there are so many out there, even for ETH, and each has its own "feel". SOILs explorer is pretty much bare bones. it does its job, but not much more... we want to have the transaction explorer implemented, that much is certain, and a priority in the block explorer...
ive seen so many explorers with SO DAMN MUCH information on them, it gets overwhelming and confusing. then theres the PRETTY ones with nice graphics but... (shrugs)... ive always been of the school that simpler is better, less moving parts, etc. but thats just me. coinmarketcap is probably the biggest reason id like to see a rolling minted coins count on the explorer. thats usually the first page i open in the morning. (gotta check on how my treasured dobbscoins are doing! ive been a SubGenius for 25 years, and i buy up BOB as often as can, or remember) so itd be nice to see and monitor how SOIL is doing with a format im utterly familiar with.
we are looking very seriously at a community members block explorer, it has a great deal of information and is still very lean. just waiting to hit the market and find our valuation in the first couplefew days, so that we can offer a fair bounty to him, commensurate to what block explorers usually receive for porting the software and hosting it.
anywho.. wasnt trying to be growly, just want to know what you folkses look for in a n explorer, what makes one better than another..