CTO talked about 10% ETH hashrate, contacts with alot minning companies and over 50 "real task companies" interested in SNM.How 20 days after "launching" and "Livenet" there are average 20 deals a day and only 0.0007% of the SNM tokens are in the sidechain for usage?
Recent weeks, ETH ecosystem has dealed with serious issuses, which highly correlated with network congestions.
Those congestions mostly come from massive transactions from ICOs, blockchain-based game softwares, etc.
I wish that Buterin and ETH core team can finally find complete solutions for network congestions.
the issues like congestion on eth network will surely solved in future and its a good thing for all the contract ERC20 tokens
because issues like congestion always impect first on the ERC20 tokens transaction.
transaction delays for days and also becomes more costly.
sonm is getting bigger and wider day by day
companies are very interested in Sonm fog computing platform.