We are ready to announce the fourth currency that will be accepted for trade on
iGotSpots.comThat currency is...Copper Bars! We designed this coin to be mined in conjunction with Spots and took the complete opposite approach when it came to parameters. Spots is a Scrypt coin made to be mined with GPU's, while Copper Bars are Scrypt-Jane and meant to be mined with CPU's. This will allow you to mine both coins concurrently and double your precious metals profits! Spots is a slow block time coin that rewards 49 Spots per block. Copper Bars will be fast blocks with small rewards. This will attract miners that like slow, big numbers, as well as the people that prefer fast, frequent payouts. Copper Bars will be used to purchase...imagine that, copper bars and coins on
iGotSpots.com - We were going to take an already established currnecy, but since Spots launed so well and so smoothly, we decided to make our own that will be mined at the same time as Spots. It's the first package deal coin, so let's do this!
Copper Bars will be announced tonight only in the Spots thread with the official announcement thread coming tomorrow morning. This is to give our amazing community the time it needs to get their miners set up and get a few Bars before the random guys hop on board.
Please keep all Copper Bars related chat in this thread tonight if you guys want a few more hours to get your Bars before everyone else hops on. The official Copper Bars thread will be posted tomorrow morning, but I'm sure someone will spill the beans pretty quickly, though, so get some while you can!
16 Second Blocks
.0064 Block Reward x 80 Billion Blocks for 512 Million total Coins
1% Stake with 365 Days of Coin Age Required, 730 days for full weight
RPC Port = 7873
P2P Port = 7874
Stable Nodes for Copper Bars
addnode='s now live and ready to go. I've been telling you guys for the last 2 days to keep an eye on this thread to get on right away.
Windows: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B49exKIsGBn5dDdleDVjbnBXQlE/edit?usp=sharingSource: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B49exKIsGBn5N3R5RElvUXUzTmc/edit?usp=sharingShouldn't need any nodes for this one, but if you do, please post and I'll set a few up for the night
Thanks Spots community, this last week has been amazing! Now let me reward you with a way to double your profits with a brand new currency without hindering your ability to continue mining Spots!
-Pfeff, iGotSpots