My VPS has 2 ip's. How do I start two Spreadcoin wallets with each wallet on a different ip? (so I can have 2 masternodes)
Bind the daemons to the unique IP's it was answered with the forum link.
I have my VPS's wallet set up already so I don't know where to start ln the instructions.
So it is as easy as -bind?
Yes, you'll have to change the rpc port as well, and make sure they are open on your server and local firewalls.
And this will enable me to run 2 masternodes on 1 VPS?
Yes, as long as you have 2 IPs you can run 2 MNs on 1 server.
I use ufw for my server firewall, it's very very easy. You can scan your server ports with nmap or a similar tool.
If you want to practice, you can run a Darkcoin testnet Masternode.