An update on the bounty issue:
- the current token distributions are related to: TELEGRAM and SIGNATURE & AVATAR campaigns.
- the other campaigns are under verification and their distributions have still to start.
- any data that has been published about the UbiatarPlay bounty program is fundamentally flawed.
- any personal consideration about the total of the rewards distributed has to wait until the end of all the bounty operations.
*** All inquires about personal situations have to be addressed to: [email protected]. ***
This chat is for general inqueries and constructive criticisms expressed with proper language.
Any personal request has to be addressed to the relevant support email.
*** After two admonitions any offender will be removed from the chat. ***
We remind you that:
The bounty program data, originally sent to us, had many problems, inconsistent data and a lot of fake claims.
We had a team working on the verifications of the claims that added up the verified totals and computed the shares of each bounty for each partecipant.
Due to the high complexity of this calculations and the huge amount of partecipants , each final individual share may differ from what each one expected.
Praticamente con questa comunicazione stanno vietando di discutere liberamente del bounty, già un sacco di gente con questa storia delle ammonizioni è stata bannata dalla chat senza ricevere risposte, sempre il solito copia-incolla del messaggio qui sopra. Mai visto uno staff più inutile di quello di Ubiatar, sono umani che si comportano come bot, l'unica cosa che sanno fare sono i copia-incolla, non esistono risposte formulate al momento. E quindi avanti con la censura e con i ban, ottimo.