Hi, in layman terms, what exactly are those gadgets for? Don't want to miss out anything important for my setup.
A normal computer power supply does not turn on the rails inside the computer until the computer tells it to by putting an 'on' signal on one of the pins of the motherboard connector. These devices supply that signal.
If you connect your rig to an ATX power supply without something like this it won't run - there won't be any power supplied.
in addition, I suspect that we will need to create a special cable to power the rPI from the ATX. Those type of boards have break out power pins so you can attach a 5 volt wire and ground wire to a usb cable. An alternitive would be to power the rPI off a normal wall wart but that seems a waste when you have the ATX supply right there beside it.
Wow. Thanks for the info. The product details page in the store makes it look much easier.
The m-board seems to require 2 molex cables but I don't know whether an ATX PSU will supply power with only that or whether it must necessarily be signaled specifically via the PSU's 24-pin connector.
In a way, requiring some electrical engineering/soldering skills can make it so more fun for hardcore miners though :-) just like driving a comfy yet boring Mercedes vs a 4WD in a muddy road. I just hope Dave can provide us some info on how to set this up (including mining software configuration) ideally without requiring any soldering skills once final product specs are frozen.