In trying to get staking going on my wallet, I sent my entire balance to myself, thinking that would give me enough weight to start staking... I should've read the Magi whitepaper a little closer...
At least you know what you are doing.
The FAQ of the Op page does answer the question on "Not enough weight."
What's the effect when you sent the entire balance to yourself? Did that cause "resetting staking from scratch"?
All the mPoW/mPoS features of XMG look great but apparently too complicated, likely limited to use by (mining/staking) oldie(s) and hard to convert the public to use this crypto, despite that XMG " strives for every single effort to make mining be available to everyone, and provides an even playing field for people."
Any simple summary tables of what to do, what would happen, etc. in running "mPoW/mPoS of XMG" would be great.
I believe that the older the wallet balance is, the higher weight it carries. After you reach a certain weight, you can start staking on it. When I sent the entirety of the wallet to myself, it made the balance brand-new. When I had done it, it said "Expected time to earn reward is 72 day(s).", but now it reads "Expected time to earn reward is 19 day(s)".