Unlike its predecessors, Arweave allows this sharding to occur flexibly and dynamically to adapt to shifting requirements of the network, without losing its guarantees of redundancy and verifiability.
Additionally, Arweave’s novel Proof of Access algorithm replaces the high energy usage of typical blockchains with useful storage of data.
Miners are rewarded in proportion to the amount of the blockweave that they store. Miners are encouraged to store the parts of the blockweave that other miners do not, as this proportionally increases their chance at receiving a block reward. Additionally, the Proof of Access system replaces much of the high energy expenditure associated with traditional cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin) with information storage.
Overall, Proof of Access creates a new kind of blockchain that is spectacularly scalable and energy efficient.
By taking advantage of the globally cooperative nature of blockweave mining, the Arweave creates large economies of scale on the cost and complexity of permanent data storage. By providing a cheap and permanent data storage mechanism and an easy interface for developers to interact with, the Arweave will attract vast quantities of valuable and important information.
Over time, this verified store of information will grow in value as copies elsewhere are lost. We anticipate that as the utility of this information store grows, use of the Arweave will snowball.
Read the whitepaper
Arweave’s FunctionalityEnabling a New Internet![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Farweave.org%2Fimg%2Ficons%2Fnewinternet.svg&t=592&c=WKz6jJQtKHE60g)
Arweave provides a new serverless internet infrastructure, one based on decentralisation and the permanent availability of pages.
Because of the blockweave data structure, each page on the Arweave is cryptographically linked to every other page, making its modification or loss impossible.
Massively Scalable![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Farweave.org%2Fimg%2Ficons%2Fscaling.svg&t=592&c=vLS7vmMxQN23Dg)
Due to the innovative new technologies upon which the network is based, Arweave is the first cryptocurrency that can reach internet scale.
By allowing Arweave to be spread across many computers, a network is created that is as secure and verifiable as all of its predecessors, but can flexibly scale to provide the amount of storage the network requires.
A Platform for Permanent Apps![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Farweave.org%2Fimg%2Ficons%2Fgear.svg&t=592&c=CsAapUtjZQpjAQ)
Arweave has been built from the ground up as a platform for a new class of permanence based, decentralised applications.
The Arweave makes permanent data storage available to any developer, in any programming language, through a simple HTTP interface. Arweave storage can be seamlessly integrated into apps, both old and new.
What It Can Do Decentralised applications made using the Arweave's simple API can solve problems that were previously untenable.Arweave achieves profound data reliability by building economies of scale in the organisation of data storage. It is extraordinarily difficult for an individual or organisation to build a permanent data storage system, but on a planetary scale, using financial incentives, the task becomes achievable and affordable.
Below are just a handful of the kind of apps that can be built using the Arweave's developer toolkit. If you are interested in building an Arweave app, check out our Github, blog, and our dedicated community Discord server.
A Permanent Internet Archive![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Farweave.org%2Fimg%2Ficons%2Fglobe.svg&t=592&c=CF8gW7gEPcijNA)
As well as providing an entirely new internet infrastructure, the Arweave supports archiving pages found on the traditional internet. This allows users to secure valuable pages on a decentralised network beyond the control of any one organisation or group. This is made possible through a web browser extension that allows users to mirror pages found on the traditional internet in their current form on the Arweave for just a few pence and a single click.
Once stored on the Arweave, these pages, in the exact form in which they were archived, can be retrieved at any time by its users. Ultimately, by providing a method of permanent and verifiable information storage Arweave strives to ensure internet freedom from undue censorship far into the future.
Cloud Storage for a One-Time Fee![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Farweave.org%2Fimg%2Ficons%2Fcloud.svg&t=592&c=sVWUbwIjcrJuww)
Backup your personal file in a permanent and decentralised storage cloud, and pay only for what you use.
Legal Document Storage![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Farweave.org%2Fimg%2Ficons%2Flegal.svg&t=592&c=klBCfPlX0VoTSA)
Arweave allows verifiable private contract storage, allowing anybody to prove the contents of a legal document at any time. This will disrupt legal archiving, empowering lawyers to cut paper waste and join the decentralised age.
Not only will the Arweave revolutionise legal document storage in the future, but companies are already using the Arweave for financial compliance and verification purposes.
Ensuring Personal Legacy![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.arweave.org%2Fimg%2Ficons%2Fpolaroid.svg&t=592&c=3jpjZTcXL-d84Q)
By providing true information permanence for the first time, the Arweave allows everyone to ensure their digital legacy. The indefinite preservation of digitised memorabilia will allow anyone to communicate their life's journey to grandchildren and generations to come.
Permanent and Verifiable Science![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Farweave.org%2Fimg%2Ficons%2Fscience.svg&t=592&c=LEcQKZLBjW9VHA)
The Arweave project is working with academic partners to provide permanent and verified storage of scientific data and results.
By providing a permanent and public scientific publishing platform Arweave will fuel a virtuous cycle of Academic transparency and legitimacy, as well as preserving an apocalypse-proof library of science.
Publish Freely, Publish Permanently![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Farweave.org%2Fimg%2Ficons%2Ftypewriter.svg&t=592&c=zgHXLx0H3Lk3Ew)
Arweave allows permanent publishing of news articles, blogposts, and social media, on a network hosted by the writer’s peers.
Publishing on the Arweave is serverless and administration free, while maintaining the visual form and style the authors prefer. The Arweave ensures freedom of expression for decades to come for writers across the globe.
Verifiable Democracy ![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Farweave.org%2Fimg%2Ficons%2Fvote.svg&t=592&c=cxgKiB7txFEtTg)
Arweave allows for open, verifiable and free elections, ensured by the power of cryptography.
By enabling pseudonymous votes, Arweave elections remain anonymous but allow all citizens to verify the legitimacy of a democratic vote. Furthermore, every vote in an Arweave election is cryptographically entangled with every other vote in every other election, ensuring that no single party can subvert their results.
Our Partners![](https://ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.arweave.org%2Fbtctalk%2FtechstarsBCT.png&t=592&c=0Y7I8vHfLV2xqw)
Currency specificationCoin name and abbreviation - AR cash - AR
50,000,000 tokens for pre-saleCurrently sold at 0.09 GBP / ~0.00046 BTC / ~0.00053 ETH (plus 25% pre-sale bonus!)Sold in tranches
Starting sale - 02/08/17
Ending sale - 13/08/17[ Pre-sale has ended ]Divisible up to 10e-9
Pre-sale successfully completed!637 backers
91.54 BTC raised
433.82 ETH raised
1185 individuals waiting for future token sale (
if you want to sign up too, visit our website now!)
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dedicated Discord server! Want to know more about our team? Visit the
Arweave website, or
drop us an email with any questions!