With all the market activity on Bittrex, has BLC been saved from scheduled delisting?
If u put up some more fake volume, it will be kept on there for another week, richie's priority is not to randomly delist a coin, but to make $$ off the trading fee.
Have they not disrespected insulted the devs and blake coins community for long enough?
Is it not time now to stop rewarding Bittrex for their behaviour and instead throw more support behind the other exchanges like Cryptopia that actually have a policy to not delist coins based on trade volume?
Look at Cryptopia, they are now supporting almost the entire family of Blake coins, and no weekly threats from the owners of delistment due to lack of volume (its actually their policy to not delist based on trade volume)
How many Blake coins are on Bittrex? there are BLC, UMO, PHO & LIT and the 7 base markets they are paired to on Cryptopia. Thats a total of
28 markets on Cryptopia for the blake coins vs 1 on bittrex.
So why continue people to keep throwing money at these exchanges like bittrex. PHO even has a BTC market which was never available on Atomic, it was trapped in a LTC pairing there.
Its time to move away from there, bittrex time is over. its not helping a coin to continue with paying them imho. The best way to send a message to these exchanges that employ these tactics is to stop paying them, move the volume to an exchange that is not set on exploiting a community. , and let the blake devs keep more of their money, so they can eat better
and less time, energy and money wasted to stay listed on a dying exchange like bittrex. Why do they matter? - when the Blake coins take off those greedy buggers will add it back