Eventually I will have more time to devote to security an I have no doubt Blue Dragon is capabable of security research also although he is also quite busy developing projects at the present.
I will say this. There is always 'someone' at the other end of the wire. Don't think I can't find you no matter what steps you take to hide.
I am very good at finding out information when I need to be and also very closed mouthed about a lot of information I have access to.
I have detailed logs going back a long time from my nodes of specific information that will be helpful in comparing to the pools logs if it becomes necessary.
I guess since we are being attacked about as frequently as the largest bitcoin mining pools from the word I hear the value of blake coin and the other child coins must be pretty high or no one would devote such expense, time and in some cases skill to attack or 'attempt' to attack the network.
I also notice that when people talk either technical details and specifications or just coin mining in general our system is not often mentioned in any negative way. Everyone certainly knows about it.
In this forum and most places the general rule is if you cannot knock something or find flaws in it just don't say anything. Thankfully some here do occasionally show respect for the blake 256 system but not enough in my opinion.
When something is operated in a legitimate and honest fashion and has very desirable security and tech specs I guess many don't know how to react.
Thanks again to all who have supported the blake system from the start and who have since. Thanks also to all who have joinded the party later.
Every week I get a few people mostly on twitter who are either new to mining approach me and ask questions or who are into cryptocurrency and ask me about the blake 256 system. Many people are watching close from the corner of an eye.
Look if you like mining coins, I mean really to mine a coin not just to sell it to convert it to btc, the blake system is as good as it gets.
And there will be more to come.
Someone must really love EU3
Down again.
yeah totally not cool though
at least its quicker to bring back online than with the bad blocks
EU3 is back online for now