Will BLOCK holders have to turn in their BLOCK tokens to use on the HZ asset exchange? How will Block on the HZ asset exchange differ from Block being traded on exchanges like bittrex?
When the tech is ready, BLOCK can be exchanged at will for HZ assets. This will allow holders of Blocknet tokens to be paid Blocknet service fees.
Getting paid service fees is the first difference between trading BLOCK on Bittrex and exchanging for HZ assets.
The second difference, of course, is that there'll be no need to use a centralised exchange to trade Blocknet tokens. :-)
How will this play out practically, Arlyn?
Will there be two different "BLOCK" assets, each with their own marketcap (HZ assets & BLOCK tokens)? Or will they essentially be the same "asset" with one marketcap?
I am a bit confused on how this plays out. Could you provide some clarity?