At the top of that page it states that the total number of transaction is 687 with a total value of 317.1729 BTC and that's for all transactions, not just BLOCK, going back to 02/08/14. The 2,000,000 BLOCK is worth 500 BTC.
The total BLOCK bought is showing as 1,327,039.93. As they hadn't paid the extra 10% with those transactions then that's a total of 1,459,743.92 meaning there's a difference of 540,256.08 not accounted for from the 2,000,000 they started with.
NHZ was sold on Polo and XCash did not make it to coin gateway in time so it's shares are probably still held back until that is ready.
Any answer to this?
If funds have been held back for XCash to be included then that would mean there would need to be about 2,250,000 XCash (135BTC) to fill the remaining 540,256.08 BLOCK. There are only 2,400,000 XCash in total.
Funds weren't held back for XCash.
The 20% funds allocated to alts were, however, split between the NHZ pairing on Polo and the other coins on CoinGateway.
We're working on the ITO figures and I hope to present them to you all pretty soon.