So at times it can be unprofitable to stake ? If the ticket price is too high? ...still trying to learn all of this.
Ticket fee is per Kb.
A block currently has just over 500 bytes, so the price placed to fee, isn't the amount that will be discounted from your prize.
If you set a 1.5DCR ticket fee, you will actually pay a little over half that, around 0.85DCR.
imo for that purpose and for lazy ones there is always pool that takes care of it automaticly, only settings you need to set are max ticket price you are wiling to pay and max fee. easy
Some things need to be cleared up.
Traditional stake pools don't require trust.
There is no risk of a hacker attack stealing your coins or someone running away with them. Because they are not in the pool, they are still with you in your wallet.
In evolution you need trust.
You actually send your coins there and you can lose them If something bad happens
Evolution isn't an official service offered by Decred's devteam, it's a side project, created by the dcrstats pool owner, who is just a member of the community like all of us.
Interesting, thank you. So how to join a traditional stake pool? Is it all done from cli wallet?
The official stake pools work with cli wallet and some already work with paymetheus, gui wallet for windows.
These two accept cli for all OS and paymetheus for windows:
On 0.8.0 release, paymetheus will have many advances on its integration with the pools.