This thread is about premine:
"As Decred prepares to enter new waters, the project states the following publicly and unequivocally: No developer or project member will trade any of their bring-up DCR for 12 months (28%) and c0 will not trade any of its bring-up DCR for 24 months (72%). These funds are therefore ineligible for trading during that time. There has not been any activity on any market from these funds."
Yeah this is true, to my knowledge the devs haven't sold any of the decred they have been paid with.
Do you think that in February 2017 we will have an uprise in the price? Or it will be bigger at February 2018 when the C0 will be able to trade their coins?
I'm not following your logic here. What do you mean by "uprise"? Wouldn't the opposite effect be expected?
The sudden availability of more coins in circulation should translate to a decrease in price, if anything, no?
I would expect a decrease before that date, and around that date, and perhaps an increase some months after Feb 2018.
Because that's when the market can be more confident and less scared of influx of new coins in trade.
If we went by normal logic you would be correct. But what if they decide to invest more in marketing as they will be able to sell their coins and don't want to sell them at this price. They can give more visibility on the market of all the features the coin have and the hard work they been doing during this last year. Doing this the price will rise and they will be able to sell at a better price.
That is only my opinion and I can be wrong.
We all agree that Decred is very good coin, serious team behind and with huge potential.
You're right, I just assumed they would slowsly start selling their DCR, but if they don't do that, and invest in marketing etc. instead, we could see a sudden increase.
Haven't considered that option. I was guessing the programmers would just reward themselves for their hard work.