When prices are volatile however, people want to be ready to sell at the high point, so fewer tickets are able to stake. I have in fact noticed that prices tend to go down during high price movement.
Then we both agree to the post I made before this?
I then believe that it would be the better move to buy now, and wait for moments of high price movement before buying tickets.
You say more decred bought because of low (coin) price means more tickets can be purchased but I don't see how. Decred bought by someone is decred sold by someone else. It does not affect their ability to become locked in tickets (after transaction is mature of course).
Also, I have the impression that ticket price fluctuates in order to maintain an ideal amount of coins locked in staking. It's not determined by market forces the way the coin price is. Though it does have the goal of affecting the incentives to buy or not buy tickets.
Anyway, as I said, my observation so far is that volatility affects ticket price much more than coin price does. If ticket pool starts getting low because people want their coins free and ready to use in speculating moves in an exchange wallet, you need a lower ticket price to tempt them to lock them. Effectively, you are driving up the interest rate.
In times of relative stability however, where there is reduced speculation, many people are willing to lock their coins for whatever return, which is better than nothing.
But all this seems to have little to do with the actual coin price level, whatever that is at any given period.