I think it is important to ask though, who is demanding that there be more volume now. Is it the exchanges, is it the holders wanting to sell, daytraders, is it potential buyers? Does the project team need more tokens on hand to get the platform started?
I don't know how much real $$ is behind the project, but usually it is a good idea to save existing capital to get you through the development and marketing stages-including post product delivery. So many inventors learn that building a better product isn't enough-it is about being able to afford the marketing and convincing people to use your platform.
The best way to increase volume is to focus on and deliver a product, and to marketing it prior to launch. The free market will decide from there.
Many of our token holders think that one of the problems of our coin was the volume, although it had raised a lot during the last few days. The buy-back program doesn't only help with that, but it will also gives us the opportunity to burn these coins. We aim to buy back at least 10% of the coins every year, and burning 10% of the coins every year would make our coin more rare and increase the value of them.
We do keep the product in mind too and we have enough capital to go through the development and marketing of the upcoming lending platform, that's our main priority.
Thanks for the feedback on both our lending platform and buy-back program! We believe these 2 features will help us become the lending coin of 2018!