if my understanding of the multisig is correct, the non-creators (djnocide and Armis) don't need rawtransaction info, as secondary authorizers we only need the 'hex' info because that is all we actually sign.
Thats right. I think I know where this is failing. The error occurs at the very beginning when I create the rawtransaction. The problem is the 'listunspent' command doesnt return with the multisig address & balance even though coins have been sent to it & have been confirmed by the network. Again, this is suggesting a possible problem with RPC calls in the wallet. If I run the getreceivedbyaddress on the address I get a 0.00 balance also. According to http://uscyberlabs.com/blog/2014/06/14/how-to-bitcoin-multi-signature-address-wallet/ this means the address isnt registered in the blockchain. I'll need to look into this further.
huh, but your earlier result was 'true' which means you found success. I thought it only needed the single change from '1' to '2'.
When you said: "have been confirmed" how did that occur? It's hard to understand that the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) failed if the transaction took place? Are you able to see it via the Transaction ID on the blockchain? Are you saying that you have proof of payment but no payment in the destination wallet?
Remember, you are not providing specific details for us to see, and since you are on both sides of the transaction we must assume that when you speak of a specific address, key, wallet, or command that it pertains to the intended and correct address, key, and or wallet.
Hi Armis, I've sent you a further PM. Essentially, sends to the wallet are confirming, which are visible in the 'sent to' transaction list (sent from mine & other wallets). So the money is arriving it seems (though this is not 100% confirmable without a working block explorer).
The problem is I am not getting the required data I need (showing the multisig wallet balance & other info) when I run the 'listunspent' or 'getreceivedbyaddress' commands, which are required before I can create a 'spend' from the address.
Thanks for all of the communications, I think it adequately outlines the help we need to solve this problems. Hopefully someone reading this will enable us to get the help we need to solve this problem. I'm sorry we have not found success in this endeavor as of yet.