which one did you try, please provide a link
have you tried this one https://altexplorer.net/chain/Einsteinium
Thats exactly the one I have tried. Blocks have stopped at 20th of 09.
Thanks for that info. In our September 15, 2014, Report To The Community message https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.8824274
it was reported: "... our Block Explorer is back - we contacted the site owner about: https://altexplorer.net/chain/Einsteinium, at the time it was not generating updated data,
we are please to report that the app has been updated and is reporting fine. We are working on having the major typo corrected -- did you notice it? ..."
Well we still see the major typo, and yes, as you said the app is out of sync again. We will contact the site owner again to request the update.
All of the available block explorers for EMC2 are independently owned and controlled, such is the case for many apps provided on behalf of EMC2. When things are going fine, they are great resources, however when things go wrong we then see the value in having ownership or at least control of these tools. For now we will continue to communicate with site owners to try to have them provide accurate info about EMC2, thanks again for your vigilance.
We (the new mgmt) are currently reaching out to the owners of http://einsteinium.org/ to ask them to donate the site and or domain to
the coin, or to allow the foundation to manage it. We have not received a response to any of our inquires.
At this point it is clear to us that they are incommunicado, as such we should consider replacing the site and domain. Please take the opportunity to express
your thoughts on the matter, and vote your interest. What do you want us to do:
a) use Einsteinium at the end of some free website address and temporarily use that
b) use Einsteinium with a different extension: currently available are einsteinium.today, .website, .me, .uk, .rocks, .club, .guru, .email, .tv, .co, .eu, .es
c) change name a bit keep org, for example emc2foundation.org
d) other (please elaborate)
Votes will be tallied on Friday. This subject elevated in terms of priority because we are reaching out to various individuals and entities
(youtube channels and schools regarding sponsorship, coinpayment.net, coin merchant sites, etc ...) for various reasons and have a site need
outside of this discussion board, facebook, or other available resources.
We will send out messages via facebook, twitter, and other social media however only votes cast in this thread will be counted towards the action.
By popular community vote 'C' "change name a bit keep org, for example emc2foundation.org" is the winner.
We will try to get that address, if it is not available we will target one like it.
This official site will be owned and managed by EMC2 it will step in when the Einsteinium.org site is unable to perform, until then it will
essentially shadow and mirror Einsteinium.org. We will try to include a block explorer.
Still nothing, taking off the main list for now. Please inform me when any available source is updated. Will relist then.