oops, 2 Andrews
attempt to classify interference: (of hunters with the normal Huntercoin world, i.e. with normal hunters)
- The normal level of interference is that they can harvest coins, lifedrain+kill other hunters and can be killed by other hunters or disaster.
- The second is that they're entitled to a place in the "player loop", about 20 microseconds CPU time per block from every node, that their moves and messages are held in memory in the same data structure like the moves and messages of other hunters, and they show up on the screen of every GUI client, and can move around normally.
- A variant (lets call it level 2b) would be similar, but the hunter is invisible (and doesn't interact with banks so that movement/coordinates become irrelevant)
- 3rd and lowest level of interference would be the registered name plus "value" like in Namecoin. These "hunters" would come alive only if someone makes a Huntercoinclone-without-Huntercoins for this purpose.
Players will probably pay (to the benefit of the gamefund) for the privilege to switch between "normal" and "2" or "2b". And hunters in this state could offer services for "modded worlds", effectively acting as merchant NPCs without fear of being killed in the middle of the night.
"2b" on specific coordinates (and triggered by these coordinates) would be a tavern.
Edit, example:
If the regular Huntercoin game has a "tavern" at xy=85,85 and the entrance/exit is at 84,85, and a modded client adds an area where you can fight
computer controlled monsters (using magical ranged weapons) and {\"wp\":[1000,200]} would teleport to this area. Normal muggle destruction doesn't work there.
Currently waypoints must be 0...501 or the tx is not valid, but this is trivial. So, the hunter can send more moves like {\"wp\":[1002,207,1012,209]} etc.
Standard clients would see the tx as valid, load the move in the gamestate, and delete the waypoints in gamestate ("this guy bumped against a tree").
Modded clients process the waypoints as the hunter is walking around in the new area.
Modded clients: yanks hunter back to old map
Standard client: "yeah, you're already there"
Our hunter can now trade looted items/new equipment with other players or NPCs.
Did we just cause a chain split between standard and modded nodes? Of cause not!