Are you gonna charge merchants for your POS terminals?
As you know in traditional merchant system ,there are different fees related to POS terminal, include one-off account activation fee, monthly rental fee, and service fee (between 2%-8%) Agate will give POS terminal for free to incentives merchants and they receive fund without any fee only if they wanna withdraw it to Debit card or bank account they need to pay only 1% in Agate coin.
Do you have a prototype of this POS terminals? And when they will be available for order for mass adoption? What different between your terminals and PundiX ?
yes, there is a prototype and a video of it on website in fact one of the value proposition of Agate is there are over 12 functional product available for download on website and github.
What different between your terminals and PundiX:
it's completely different concept,in high level concept PundiX only can transfer few crypto from one person to another person and only in indonesia, where as Agate is a complete set of tools and ecosystem to eliminate volatility for merchant. and every single merchant can accept crypto without knowing anything about blockchain, coin, wallet, exchange ,,, or worry about price volatility or even price labeling.