So what businesses accept Isracoin? What can i actually purchase with ISR?
I hope cryptsy adds ISR soon! Bittrex only shows the last 20 trades for market history. It also does not list the total coins traded in the last 24 hours per exchange. I have been watching it quite regularly and i have seen multiple 10000 isr coin sales, then they are usually followed by 10 or more 1 ISR coin sales. I like using Bittrex but it does have short comings.
Hey there
As for cryptsy... it will not be a good idea to get added to crypsty right now and the coin will not get added unless someone will pay them to do so.
Due to lack of marketing , the coin really has few votes - you can look at a coin like "coino" (just an example) that has way more votes than ISR and is waiting in the votes sections for months now.
With coins that have almost zero marketing and a small fan base its almost impossible to get added to cryptsy without paying them.
In this situation its better not to get added to crypsty without a strong fan base - as being added to crypsty right now will make the price go up a little bit and than boom go down , like with every small coin that joins.
And being added to crypsty will just make life easier for people who mine and dump this coin.
I really hope that I am totally wrong and that the DEVS will release some news soon that will make me feel sorry and apologize for doubting them

But shouldn't this be a nation coin? All the people in Israel already interested in cryptos should vote for it , right?
Plus the miners..the ones holding a few isr..
Seems like the fan base is actually double digits.
With all honesty - When I first heard about it , I thought "isra-scam" or "kiddy coin" , all the people from work who have mining rigs also called it isra-scam and didn't bother mining it
Then a friend of mine emailed me about it going live (available for mining) and i mined it here and there as long as the difficulty level was not above 20 - usually between 3-15 diff level.
So i am pretty sure that all the Israelis who are interested in cryptos (a lot of people) who didn't mine or buy it don't really care.
Just like I wouldn't have voted for it if I did not mine it and would not bother to identify myself in order to get 100coins for free - no one likes giving our personal information (ID card number and phone and so on) to people they don't know... especially when you get a whooping (curently) $2.5 for doing so.
Only the ones who mined and bought it care - and I don't think that getting it on crypsty is a good idea right now.
Also - I don't think that it's a scam coin or pump and dump... I just think that its a coin that takes it to the other extreme of "we will do our work and that is enough to make people believe in this coin!"
I hope to be proven wrong , Anyway I using part of my hash power for "new" or "speculative" coins , and moved it to some other coin instead of Isracoin for the time being...
I got a question for you, did you mine or buy this coin ? I see that you posed here more than a few times (usually sarcastic comments) however I've seen you doing the same in other forums at the past.. so I'm just wondering out of curiously about your link to Isracoin