Now that barterDEX is in a public beta and JUMBLR is active in the command line and there are many assetchains running, people can start to see the ecosystem coming into place.
normal bitcoin forks -> barterDEX -> KMD
barterDEX -> some coin
Using the above process, it is possible to convert any barterDEX supported coin into any other coin without any prior transaction history.
Combine that with the ability to do snapshots and dividend payments to any of the supported coins and it becomes possible to be sending revshares to totally private addresses (they are transparent but without any history!)
The CHIPS Lightning side of things is making progress, though I am having to wait for bugfixes from the blockstream guys. have been very responsive to my bug feedback and I am pleasantly surprised at how seriously they take my issues I post. What most people dont realize is that without something like LN, segwit isnt much used at all and thus there is no BTC transaction capacity increase. All along I have been saying that segwit is not any scaling solution, but it does enable a lot of important new tech, like LN
For those that are expecting a slew of new LN tech right away, you will be disappointed. I am a decent C coder and it is not easy to use the LN as its model is quite different from anything previous. The closest analogue to it is the barterDEX, there is actually a fair amount of overlap at the high level due to the direct usage of utxo.
Anyway, the CHIPS is a new 10 second blocktime coin I created to experiment with Lightning tech. I also made a fork that is customized for the CHIPS blockchain and already have a realtime privatebet test games able to be created. Still more work to do as far as generalizing the gameplay statemachines and properly tracking the LN bets, but pretty good progress in the short time it has been alive:, the miners seem to be going a bit crazy as the network already has 5+ petahash
The exact role of CHIPS in the ecosystem is not yet determined, but since Lightning requires segwit and CHIPS is the only segwit coin in the komodo ecosystem, I expect that any usecase that requires realtime or micro payments would go through CHIPS. And yes, CHIPS already works with barterDEX, it worked the first try with just the right JSON config:
{\"coin\":\"CHIPS\", \"name\": \"chips\", \"rpcport\":57776,\"pubtype\":60, \"p2shtype\":85, \"wiftype\":188, \"txfee\":10000}
It really is that easy to add a new coin to barterDEX, at least at the low level technical connectivity. What is really required are nodes with active bids/asks for a coin and then it becomes much more useful
You are amazing! Thanks for all your work. This is going to be an amazing ecosystem.