I am aware you want people to believe Pangea is not abandoned, despite the complete lack of objectively measurable progress.
Why didn't "James and crew" keep the domain registered and out of the squatter's hands?
Why don't they update the Pangea twitter?
Declaring a take over is easy. Actually doing something is harder.
I thinks James or jl777 is one of the most professional and cool headed dev, and this is pretty rare in this crypto world.
Because he can work and help out others crypto Devs team and even willing to put his own money and time to take over others projects.
He take over because he also one of the investors and don't want to see it dead...so his effort should be commended and not be chastise..
And most of the false claimed he abandoned his projects is usually parrot by another trolls from another trolls.
I have high respect for his integrity, professional and cool headed managing this high pressure project like Komodo & SuperNET.
By the way, here are his explanation of his so called abandoned projects >>> https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.16422348
Yes, I'm familiar with the jl777 world salad, thanks.
(Re)registering Pangeapoker's domain name and sending out an occasional I'm alive ping tweet shouldn't be too hard for a "most professional and cool headed dev" who is "even willing to put his own money and time to take over others projects."
Unless he is stretched too thin trying to juggle too many overambitious scope-creeping projects at once, which is exactly what's happening.
It is very easy to criticize and to ridicule others, like what you are doing.
But people who never failed is people who never done anything in their life.
So i have high respects for jl777, because he had help many others projects and done a lots in this crypto world.