- I'm reliable - My testnet node has been up and running for more than 3 months already and history shows that I usually update my node immediately when there's an update available and never missed a ratification.
- I'm cheap - My low subsidy will allow for maximum number of nodes (16) in the EU region! Voting for me means larger number of nodes can get elected, which is great for the overall health of the network!
- I've been doing this before - I have many years of previous linux hosting experience for other cryptos and related projects.
- I don't over do it - I only run one node in one region, which is good for decentralization (if you care about such things).
- I'm committed - SuperNet share hodler and hangaround for two years.
- I'm tough - I live in northern part of Sweden, fighting polarbears is a part of my daily routine, should be worth something...
I go by the handle NxtSwe
My public profile: https://www.komodoelection.com/candidates/nxtswe/
How to vote guide: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.17500072
Feel free to ask me questions, publicly or through PM if you want to know more!
Thank you for your time!