Trolling no matter how "lite" it is will be deleted. I've asked my guys more than once to stop trolling in SDC. Seems they have. So stop trolling here.
Well it's not that simple. CryptoAsian have to set up time that works for both of us. I am waiting on word from him what times etc are good for him. The process has been started. I will update as it moves along.
For those that want to know what part of the POD is like here is the 1st step besides making the contact to do it in the first place.
This is what I have to prove to him to get the various levels of POD. I will show him this info. It will not be made public but He will be able to verify it and thus able to rate my POD level. Do to time zones and work schedules this may take a day or two to get it all done at acceptable levels. Point is now to know I received the questions and will begin to fill out and accomplish the tasks asked.
"Here are a couple questions that I would like you to answer best as possible. The highest rating you can receive is a 5 POD Rating with a + if you decided to do a video chat. You can view what is needed to attain that here:
1. What is your name?
2. Where do you currently call home?
3. What is your IRC identity?
4. Personal contact questions:
4a. Do you have a personal social media Twitter, LinkedIn, Weibo or Facebook? If you do not want me to share it please let me know and I will keep it confidential.
4b. Do you have a Skype or another messaging program? If you do not want me to share it please let me know and I will keep it confidential.
4c. If you have a personal phone number you would like to post so I can text to you may. This will absolutely not be shared to anyone.
4d. What is your personal email address?
5. What is your background in coding?
6. Is Crypto a full-time endeavor or do you have another source of revenue?
7. Have you created any other coins? If so, what coins?
8. Do you have any other developers that have direct access to the GitHub source codes? If so, I will need them to also provide me with answers to these questions
8a. Also, provide a screen shot of you being logged into the Github source code.
9. Who first introduced you into Crypto?
10. Please write a paragraph you deem noteworthy in gaining the best rating possible. Some suggestions would be a hand written note with some sort of ID next to it with personal information blocked out. I will let you be intuitive with your paragraph."