7 roaches are so wol
i took some lessons after 1 week of playing bad and that put me in gold league in 2 weeks; build orders are cool to train macro but learning starcraft is more about decision taking imo; so applying a build order won't make you learn the real game (but you have to learn some and apply them in bronze league at least)
7 roaches push are countered ez with terran with xelnaga + bunker and 2-3 marines + wall; mothership core and 2 sentries counter it too (and if opponent is scouting your one base he'll go sentries). that's an interesting push vs greedy zerg; but you can't retreat except if you fight a real noob; because he'll have more drones and often a 2nd hatchery so even if you kill his queens you'll not have the larvae advantage.
so to counter this build :
terran : scout at half barracks (13 pop) and retreat to xel naga (if low apm; if more just check b2 timing; no b2 = bunker(s) they are almost free (25min after salvage) and scv with auto repair
protoss : big maps = forge expo + scout @9/10; if you scout that one base timing just go mad on canons after you put your gateway (like 9 scout; 15 nexus, 15 forge) scout 1 base and 14 gas/pool = cut probes; add gate + gas + 1 canon; bring back probes production on 1 nexus only after u launch 1 zelot + add cyber core + 2 canons; start mothership core + stalker production when cyber is finished.
small maps = gate 13; gas 13; scout with the gate probe; scout 1 base and 14 gas/pool = keep probe production; stop chronoboosts; take xelnaga. when you have 100 gas start mothership core and stalker; then warpgate tech; attack should come soon after you launch the warpgate tech (30 sec after or something) so send ur mothership on the path of ur opponent; but not too far from ur base to start hitting roaches asap; then use stalker + probes to tank if needed.
zerg : roaches all in are easy to counter with speedlings if you don't over react; a good way to be safe in zvz is to go 15gas / 15 pool 16 hatch and cut gas when u hit 100; if you scout the roaches all in you just have to put some spines in main base (2 are fine) + move them to base 2 if you have some time; or just let them in b1 while you send your lings kill his drones/queen; so u'll just have to kill those 7 roaches to win the game
have fun now
(btw i'm coaching only p and z i'm bad with terran