agree...the only thing we see different is the issue of the name because i personally really am worried that it could cause problems.
and cryptos are based on trust and good promotion, so that would be bad m'kay...i just wanna make this clear for everyone that this could be hazardous for the whole operation and i'm really sorry to be the bringer of bad news here...
it's also not easy for me being the intermediary of thousands of pirates world wide and this community. i have no idea how the other pirates all will react but you know every opinion will be present.
There is no trademark or other intellectual property claim to the word or concept of "Pirate".
"Pirate", as it's universally understood, outside of a movement that, pardon me saying, is relatively obscure even in the countries that recognize the party, has nothing to do with politics. In the USA and worldwide, amongst 98%+ of the population, the term Pirate is more of a theatrical/historical concept that is widely appealing.
"Booty Coin" with its sexual connotations would severely limit the potential market.
I strongly advise keeping PirateCoin as it is and removing any connection to the political party. That's my vote.
Start Booty Coin if you want, they can complement each other.
But PirateCoin can stand alone, without any connection to anything other than the "Ahoy, Matey!" image that it conjures up to the vast majority of people on the planet.
sry to infom you i am not a liar. in austria (for example) i know for a fact the word itself is trademarked. i know that because the party was discussing to give the pirate the money who bought it and take it of his hands.
look guys just because i am a pirate does not mean i am not being honest with you. if you really hear from us here the first time (what really gives me a hard time because i really ask myself is it just america or are you from some other countrys with such controlled media? sry drifting of...^^) then I really think you should listen to the insider about the stuff he knows because it could give a tactical advantage and not just dismiss it...wouldn't that be logical?
for what i care bootycoin was just a proposal we could choose whatever we want. i just also thought of it that way that hank booty already sounds like having a good concept and I think that would be something this community needs.
if you guys decide to stick with piratecoin i will not be able to stop you and i won't try but i will also not be able to stop the movement and if a global movement launches a selfprogrammed coin then i don't really see how this scrypt copy could stand up against it.
In that case I'll join bootycoin because i personally really don't see much future in this as is and will not put any effort into something i believe will not have any future,
If you are asking me the romantic dream of a scrypt copy pirate coin has proven itself usless as a concept to get people involved. (sry i really don't want to offend anybody, it's simply the way i see it and if you don't it's okay with me and i wish you much luck even though i can't see that down the road)