350k users of the Application? You mean to say FiiiPOS application users? Or some other applications? Anyway, will look for this information at their site.
350k active users or registered users? I know I still have a lot of reading to do but since you mentioned 350 I thought to ask anyway.
One of the admins in telegram told me that they have three working products.
350k Registered users. We have yet to start intensive marketing for our products. Yes we do have 3 working products. All our products were made ready before the ICO start, FiiiChain for example is also ready but needs to be launched after ICO.
We have FiiiPos FiiiPay and FiiiEx ready.
Does it mean that this project will still continue even if soft cap is not reached, right? I've seen that you already raised $10.7M+ but your soft cap is $15M.
In the pre-sale itself thye raised 10+ million USD and it's not small amount. So I think it's fair enough to go with main sale.