Coinedup or Bter?
Last price was 6400sat
Yes, i notice, but i'm pretty sad that someone is dumping his coins at 6400, that 1.5BTC sell block was not there in the morning, why are people acting like this!!! Do they really think that they will be able to buy back lower, i hope that they are wrong and that they miss the big jump
DO NOT RISK DUMPING AND THEN BUY BACK LOWER! Just wait for the price to go up. Don't dump at 10k sat, don't dump at 20k sat.
Sell ONLY what you really need to sell. There is not other coin afaik that will gain the same percentage increase that we probably will have.
You know, i was also selling my DOGE coins, it was at 25sats and it hit 50sats, so i thought, sell now, buyback later, i never had the chance to buyback later as it was moving higher and higher and higher, so moral of the story, I LOST 10BTC because i sold too early and was never able to buy back.... one time i had it, no second time!