I have no problem with the coin. I have some serious questions about the rather misguided direction and decisions that its apparent "leaders" are taking now. It's almost like one hand is trying to apply a bandage to a wound while the other is trying to stab itself in the eye. But hey, who cares about that... OOOH SHINY!
Kheg, you need to take it down a level, mate. You crapped on the fix I made, you crapped on the people adopting it, and now you're crapping on the leadership of the coin. Over what? Creating an official pool? Let them create an official pool. If your pool, hell even my pool, is as good as we pride ourselves on making it, then what worries should we have if an "official" pool goes live? We all get our chunk, and we all contribute.
However, since the fork, the only thing I've seen you contribute is FUD and snide remarks. If you don't want to be a part of the community, and a productive part of the community at that, then go away. Shut down your KDC pool and let the community work on strengthening the coin network, and in turn the coin's future. Stop belittling the effort of others to make something of the coin, and in turn themselves.
I've contributed input since well before even you came along my friend. Since well before this fork happened, and will continue to do so. If you don't like it, I'm sure you can find an ignore button somewhere.
All I've seen so far is a decimation of the original vision of KDC for the sake of short term profits (which haven't happened yet by the way - and all of a sudden everyone is preaching patience ironically). I've seen the total network hashrate get slashed by about two-thirds from what it was on a normal daily basis prior to the fork announcement. And I've seen a coin that was once actually consistently valuable on the marketplace for both miners AND speculators turn into a middle of the pack also-ran that has no more useful value than even Litecoin. And every time we turn around we have yet another questionable decision being made for exactly what purpose?
I'm sorry - why exactly do we need an
official pool with 0% fees (and thank god the block reward is being reconsidered...) several months AFTER the coin has already been launched with many already active pools? I thought you said something about strengthening the network. You know - nevermind. It doesn't really matter.
I've wanted to see KDC succeed from day 1. I've put forward my input on it after watching many coins fail miserably. I see some good going on with KDC (some of the services are a good start), but I see a lot of bad (alienating miners and gutting the network). I sincerely hope it works out for the better, but I really don't see KDC sustaining a large network at reasonably profitable levels for mining especially with these changes.
I'm not going to apologize for my opinion on the matter, and I am not going to be silent on the matter. The devs apparently invited the community to be involved with KDC, but you all only want to hear one side of it. Sorry... but get over it - that's not how it works.
I do sincerely and always have wished KDC the best of luck in the market. It's my favorite coin. I've held every single one I've mined since day 1. Though these days I'm starting to question exactly