Nethash rate ~ 781
Difficulty 5.08490111
Est Next Difficulty 10.91262194 (Change in 1157 Blocks)
The next update will help tremendously...Thanks for your fast response DEV!!!
I dont get it.. will the coin be harder to mine ?
After the next difficulty yes....The amount of coin mined will drop to 1/2 as many now...The next DEV's fix will help to stable such fluctuations...
So when will this be ?
This update implements some code which causes the difficulty to adjust on the fly, meaning when we get jumped on by a multi pool or lots of miners come along and take advantage of a low diff it will just go up and then when they leave it will go back down Stopping us from getting stuck at a high difficulty with a low hash rate resulting in a lower block reward.
The block halving doesn't happen for around another 2 & a half months. The Mandatory update to implement the above will be released very shortly and needs to be used before block 32,000
well i own like 13000 coins now because its really tough to mine,so i bought allot today