completly uninstalled solarcoin again
Re downloaded fresh wallet and did not import my wallet used the new one that comes with new install everything was good until i got stuck on same block lol
Restoring windows on the notebook maybe this will help
There's definitely some compatibility issues in this release. My little netbook running windows 7 is running great. Can't get it working on my xp build. It was working (the xp machine) for a few days after "tricking" it with 2.1.1 then upgrading with a fully synchronized wallet, but it crashed and went back to not synching up properly again. Looking for a patch soon.
I think it's a forking issue: many of the wallets that are already updated to 2.1.6 are still connecting&staking on the 2.1.1 blockchain, so both forks still go in parallel.
One of my active wallets did it, too, even though it had been on the right blockchain for quite a while. I am now trying to put it back on the 2.1.6 blockchain - reloaded blockchain from the bootstrap, disabled staking, connected only to correctly synced 2.1.6 nodes, now will try to resume staking. We have to be checking our wallets for syncing against the blockchain explorer and manually bring them back on the right blockchain (if needed) to help the 2.1.6 hard fork establish itself faster on the network.
added observation: after a wallet re-scan, when staking resumes balances on the Overview page get completely out of whack - this happens ONLY IF the wallet is STILL on the WRONG blockchain.