Could someone shortly explain the business model?
I understand that people are writing reviews, including their wallet, which will generate publicity for the coin and drive up the value. But is there another business model behind it? Is the intend to start selling "a pool of reviewers" to platforms like TripAdvisor?
Or is it expected that the developers are paid with newly created coins that increase in value?
The developers of what? The coin? We're not getting paid for this per se. We've taken some of the premine but that's been used to fund the wallet development. We've paid SOCC for that, showing good faith by the iOS/Android dev (not my skill set). But we're not taking funds from SOCC ourselves, not the way you're suggesting anyway?
As for the business model, yes the Amazon Hall of Fame of reviewers is something I am aware of for example, but I don't want to go down the road of proactively
paying for reviews. SocialCoin is a reactive function - paying for something which has
already been written. In time of course, the quality may be driven up through the promise of obtaining coin, but we're well into the future most probably...