Spectreproject Weekly Update
Saturday, September 23rd – Saturday, September 30th
Kind of a slow week in the world of xspec.
Slack numbers - Fifty-six new members joined the Spectreproject Slack channel for the week. Slack also reports there are now 812 people registered.We DO back out the deactivated ones since between myself,@jbg and @spectreproject we keep them pretty well cleaned up It seems to be subsiding some this past week…..only 18.
Dev Nuts and Bolts - Jbg reports he and Bryce still have their nose to the grindstone on v1.4 and coding it for alpha testing the month of October. Just to remind everyone it’s bringing the client/wallet up to QT5 code. It is a major overhaul but will be well worth it in terms of stability, ease of use and ease of mods by the devs. Testing is ongoing and intense.
Jbg also mentions, he’s been trying to assist users having build problems for linux versions to determine the problem.
Closing Comments - There is a lot of activity and ideas in the Spectreproject community currently happening. Both new and old members are working hard on ideas for publicity and getting the word out on Spectrecoin.
We only ask that before anything is released to the public that it be vetted for accuracy.
It is amazing the power of people from around the world working together and what they can accomplish.
In closing, here’s some thoughts on cryptocurrency in general and Bitcoin specifically….the dominant player in the world of crypto currency.
It’s still very early in the life of Bitcoin….there are only 16 million of them. Think about 16 million people owning one Bitcoin each. That would be the population of Houston, Texas and Chicago, Illinois owning ALL the bitcoin. A very tiny amount. Instead of each Btc worth less than $5,000 …..it should be far more. But it will take time, just as it take time for xspec to grow and be a part of the crypto currency eco system.
Please be patient and enjoy the journey…...Spectrecoin will be having it’s first birthday pretty soon…..many, if not most coins don’t make it that far.
We’re looking to a celebration with all of you next month, the one year anniversary of the ICO
Launch of the project we know as Spectrecoin.
Have a great week!
Beachguy “To succeed in life...... you need two things ignorance and confidence.”
-Mark Twain 1835-1910