Hopefully you checked up on inputs/outputs/etc., as that will help any communication/understanding.
I know what an input is *supposed* to be, I just can't figure out what it is w/r/t TZC.
Every time your wallet has received a payment, for example a small mining pool payout, that will represent an input. That is probably why you have so many inputs.
Note that inputs, while associated with addresses, are not 1-to-1 with an address. You can have many inputs under the same, single address.
Mmm-hmmm. I didn't ask about this, but ok. Nothing controversial here.
The min, ave, max age are just a way of saying low, medium, high maturity. I don't remember the exact breakdown, but maybe inputs from 1-8 days in age may be min, 8-16 days ave, and 16+ days max? Anyway, it's just a 3-bucket way of considering your inputs and their age.
lolwut?! You mean to say that what the wallet reports is completely made up, arbitrary and inscrutable??? Hmm, that sounds familiar, yes...
Your inputs that are under 24 hrs old (or perhaps 72 hrs if you don't have a conf on the original version wallet) are probably not being included in the count (e.g., the 148 you mentioned). Also, there may be a minimum input size to stake, but I have not gotten solid confirmation on that. So if that is true, inputs that are too small would not count either, theoretically.
Right, so I waited yet another day to ensure that the youngest input would be >72 hours old and, whaddya know, the mix of min/avg/max has not changed at all (52/1/95). My weight in coin-days has increased to 10626, so in the immortal words of Bill Murray in Caddyshack, I got that going for me.
Based on what you seem to be describing--a fair likelihood of many small inputs--it might be worth taking a moment to sweep up the tiny ones into larger inputs. You will reset the ages of any inputs you merge, but I think it would probably be worth it.
Well, just when I thought I couldn't be any more confused now you say that merging lots of little inputs into a larger one will reset their age but somehow be worth doing?
Please be aware that regardless of whether they are set right or not, a total coin balance of 1000 will probably take months or longer to hit a PoS stake--of course, if you are particularly lucky it could happen much sooner.
*Groan* This is like pulling teeth, I tell ya. I don't want some nebulous estimate from *you*, I want to do the estimating myself. I'm pretty sure all the info is there, I just need some help getting the units/magnitudes right.
My understanding as of now is that "weight in coin-days" is the staking analog of mining hashrate, and, of course, the PoS and PoW difficulties are reported by the green checkmark. Now I just need to translate "weight in coin-days" into hashrate to be able to use (presumably) the standard reward estimation equation:
Reward per Day = (86400 * Hash/s * Block Reward) / (Difficulty * 4295032833)