The problem isn't that there is anything wrong with this coin or it's dev so far, it's that there was no *real* volume outside of the pump groups and there was no *real* support at post pump prices to hold it up there. It wasn't possible to just take some profits or leave the position without causing huge price swings because of the low volume.
That's what happened this weekend. People see the price is way too high with very little volume or new news to justify the huge price jumps, so they start taking their profits if they were in before the pump, or start mitigating losses if they bought in at the top. And with such low volume on the buy side, the market can't absorb it. The trend is constantly down and that reinforces itself.
Meanwhile obnoxious shitcoins like EthanCoin and CoCoCoin have a combined 250BTC volume today. That's the true crypto community of today, how they love their pump and dumps. Reminds me of Judgecoin. Honest dev, did PoD before there was a PoD, had a solid coin albeit not so feature rich. Had a great community but it languished, got pumped once, sidestepped for a while and died. It likely will be de-listed soon and the dev is already gone. There was no scam there, just no interest.
Even having a really good product with a great dev like NEOS is by no means going to mean a win. It might be an intellectual challenge for syntaks and yak and they will do great things, but you can't trade it well in this environment because of all this BS.
Just two sats worth.
Different people buy coins for different reasons. For me, I'm trying to amass wealth by taking the risks necessary to provide a new global economic system suited for the 21st century, just like the early people mining BTC with their CPU's and GPU's did. They were all rewarded. The people trading in this other way are also distributing coins and doing their part, and should be rewarded too, but it's zero-sum which means it basically comes down to tricking other traders and that doesn't have the same long-term potential. I can afford to buy and hold.
For me, I'm already thinking of a BTC as having a value in
atoma, rather than the Neos being valued in satoshis!
I am with the whole alternate currency thing, trust me. It's why I tend to lose money a lot.
I hate the banks, and the king assholes who run them so I dabble in this new currency. The interest in this new form of currency has been badly and perhaps even fatally wounded by the never ending scams and shady shit.
You think in BTC going to the moon. I see Russian Mafia gangsters who used to scam penny stocks to old people in New York and fled to this domain because the law hasn't caught up here yet. And that's a damn shame, because you will never get fairness in crypto markets without government intervention and jail time for criminals, but once there are laws on how cryptos will be run the *real* gangsters those bankers will set themselves up and run it as well.
Kind of a catch 22.
In the mean time coming back from off-topic post. I think NEOS will be okay shortly. Just need to flush out the damage from the initial pumps and try and place a true value on it. Then the people will come begging to get in.