Hey now, let's take a deep breath and go through the entire thread before scream scam. Here's some recap from my point of view:
The current WAS issues:
a. No active development and no innovation: WAS has one single wallet released since its release and in need of newer security patch and updated features.
b. No reliable working pool: I've been mining WAS for months and we were down to 2 semi reliable working pools which sometimes go down for days if difficultly drops below 900. One pool xguild.net stole million coins from me. (You just can't have 5 billion WAS by running a pool
c. No exchange, no value and no demand: There's no exchange for WAS since most of them went under and there was no buyer when we got on rockytrade.net. People just don't buy WAS at 1 sat knowing there are billions of them out there. There are no Doge and LTC market and there's no point of holding onto billion of worthless coins.
d. No recognition and no social activities: Don't need to say much here. Last social post was back in April.
The Revival Team member aren't newbies. If you do a little digging, you'll know who they are and I have high respect for what they've accomplished and truly believe that they will breath new life into WAS.