I'm still backing this project, but starting to worry you have missed your window.
You keep saying you are waiting to put out a proper marketing campaign, but other coins are starting to steal your thunder.
The BIG selling point of XCN is the small blockchain, and balance only idea, but with things like XRB(Nano) etc. now available with similar ideas, bigger teams, better marketing and no transaction fees, it's difficult to see what's going to attract people to XCN now that you have bigger players offering similar products, marketed well and with other bells and whistles too....
I'd love to hear your opinions on this?
Honestly my plans for Cryptonite have been damaged countless times in the past. Now we have the exchange issue which is really frustrating and I see we are not alone in this regard.
Thing is, new coins have much more appeal for investors, miners, exchanges, etc. but for most it's just a loss, as most of the new coin don't last more than a few months.
That's bad because people, the market, etc. should favor old coins which have some value, instead on focusing on (apparently) quick and easy profit.
But that's how it is. Add to that we don't have premine or block reward to use as funds, and you get the picture.
Having said that, I'm sure we will get into an exchange soon, be it nova or any other, and then I think we will start some serious marketing (I have a lot of ideas about that, and even know some poeple that would really help with this). I can't promise anything but, if my activity on this forum and everywhere else means something, I think you can trust me that this coin will go ahead and past this difficult period, with me and all the people that helped.