I wonder if the heat sinks would condensate or not?
Still interesting though...
1) hot surfaces dont get condensation. thats not an issue unless the ambient humidity is like 95%+
2) if you mean to put the radiators inside a fridge, fridges are not designed to remove that much heat, and it would effectively dump the heat (plus ~40% additional cooling losses) out the backside of the fridge.
I'm not sure if its the same in other parts of the world but UK fridges typically use 100-200W when active, and sit active quite a bit of the time. Allows them to use smaller / cheaper / lighter components rather than flashing on and off a 1500W system. Putting 1000W of heat into that isn't going to do much other than toast his C1.
Was just a thought, better to go with a giant radiator then I guess.
8 )