Hey man, i'm all in favor of your firmware, and the fact that you tag in a "DevFee" for your time. I just wanted to clear up how much the DevFee really is. In previous notes, you indicated you lowered from 1.66% to 1.5%.
Now, I'm not trying to nit pick here, but over the last several days, I have monitored this thing, and it clearly appears that DevFee is much closer to about 2.3%. I have been monitoring the accepted shares that are being sent when you mine at SuprNova vs when I am getting mining credit at SuprNova. And it has consistently maintained between 2.2%-2.4% over several days with the ratio of shares submitted to your DevFee pool versus what I'm actually submitting.
Further, when I look at my hourly/daily hashrate averages on the pool, vs what im reporting my average to be on the hardware, im seeing results that align to further validate that 2.2%-2.4% is being used as a DevFee.
I'm raising this issue up because maybe there is something wrong here with my hardware or calculations? Maybe others can chime in? What splits are you all seeing?
At the end of the day, I have ZERO problem with a Dev taking a DevFee for their time. All I ask is that they provide a transparent answer about the time slice they are taking. Your time slices seem to kick in each hour, and last roughly 1 minute and 25 seconds per hour. Which breaks down to about 2.3% DevFee. Maybe you can shed some light on the results I'm seeing, because based on your 1.5% DevFee, it should be less than 60 seconds per hour.
Again, i'm not accusing you of cheating here. I could be wrong in my calculations. If I'm not wrong, and others are seeing the same thing, all I ask is you are transparent about your DevFee, and let people choose to run, or not to run, your firmware.
Have you tried looking at the kernel log for the amount of time it spends on the dev pools?
This is from mine:
Nov 28 06:37:20 (none) local0.warn cgminer[12668]: Switching to pool 3 stratum+tcp://dash.suprnova.cc:9995
Nov 28 06:39:10 (none) local0.warn cgminer[12668]: Switching to pool 0 stratum+tcp://x11.mine.zpool.ca:3533
you'll notice it spends 1 min 50 seconds on the dev pool, and it does this every 2 hours so 110 seconds / 7200 = .0152 or 1.52%. Shares and all the other jazz are not whats important its the amount of time it spends mining the dev pool vs your pool.