In regards to shipping or in regards to testing each board for its quality? Batch 1 & 3 are the same in specifications with different price and shipping dates.
Is there a label on it to specify?
If/when I sell how will the new owner know?
It's quite easy...
All 44 of my S3's, S4's, SP20's and S5's were sold on eBay. I posted screenshots of the "Miner Status" page for each rig AND the "Network Settings" page for each rig. This way, they new by the MAC IP ADDRESS assigned to each rig by bitmain on the assembly line is the actual rig they will receive. It's like an SSN for each rig to identify it. They also see several days of the rig mining consistently at 4.8+ TH/s at 600 MHz with low HWE's.
I also let them know since this rig is running super as proved by screenshots, that also shows the date the screenshot was taken, there will be no returns for the rig(s) they purchase from me. I did all 44 of my various models of mining rigs this way without a hiccup.
call me old fashion, but I most likely would have never bought a miner which MAC address was publicly posted on ebay.
You don't think that this could make remote hacking of it easier? i am not a network specialist, so maybe this concern is misplaced.
If one is that concerned about it, they can always block out all but the last 4 digits of the MAC IP. However, a NEW password works wonders other than root, root.