---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Bottom line is political revolution can't work any moreFrom: AnonyMint
Date: Fri, May 9, 2014 6:37 pm
[email protected]--------------------------------------------------------------------------
I sure hope Martin Armstrong wises up and realizes the politics is already
lost to the majority, which is a global majority of chattel managed by a
well-hidden global elite. They are even manipulating the outcome in
Ukraine. Proof is if the USA or EU was intent on Ukraine's independence,
they would ship guns to put under every blade of grass so individuals
could defend themselves (see Hitler quote below). Instead, the IMF sends
them loans in order to further the world governance plan of consolidation.
The Ukraine situation is all about global currency and global governance.
In the
New American link you'll see a description of IMF loans to the Ukraine as
being a
vehicle to expand the SDR system. Brandon Smith of Alt-Market is the
second link.
Gatekeeper coverage of side topics such as military factories is akin to red
Memes of US vs. Russia "escalating tension" and hysterical pieces on the
new cold
war and WWIII are bait for world government, as well as the previously
goals of creating a dollar devaluation scapegoat; distractions from economic
contraction, corruption, spying, and police state activities; and more
for heavily funding the military industrial complex against assorted faux
Smoke and mirrors.
http://www.thenewamerican.com/economy/item/18207-imf-bailout-for-ukraine-and-a-new-world-currencyhttp://www.alt-market.com/articles/2126-false-eastwest-paradigm-hides-the-rise-of-global-currency> Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 06:18:29 -0400
> Subject: Putin needed East Ukraine because of 50 military factories?
Excerpts from the following posts (click to read in context).
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.6625901"I consider my firearms to be useless against the government in anything
like our current social structure and any realistic balance of power on
the basis of armaments alone."
You have no fucking clue why our forefathers wanted the right to bear arms:
https://www.google.com/search?q=forefathers+reason+for+right+to+bear+armshttp://www.rense.com/general2/right.htmAnd so how did Hitler overrun Europe as easily as a hot knife slicing
through butter:
"Tyrannical governments kill far more people than private criminals. The
Nazis conducted a massive search-and-seizure operation in 1933 to disarm
their political opponents, in 1938 to disarm the Jews, and when they
occupied Europe in 1939-41 they proclaimed the death penalty for anyone
who failed to surrender all guns within 24 hours."
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.6640975Blah, blah, blah.
Bottom line is what I wrote upthread. The Federal goverment is now 75% of
the GDP in the USA (including regulation compliance, see my sources
If we can't personally defend ourselves, we will end up like the UK (where
0.2% own 69% of the land) or worse perhaps like one of the countries
Hitler rolled though and put in concentration camps.
Any way, as I have admitted upthread, I think the time for physical
revolution has long since passed. The majority of the population are
chattel and deserve their fate.
That is why I work on anonymous crypto-currency for those who want to move
into a Knowledge Age economy which is unfettered by government. I discuss
this in great detail in the following thread:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/bitcoin-adoption-slowing-coinbase-bitpay-is-enough-to-make-bitcoin-a-fiat-557732So I want to bow out of this discussion, because politics (e.g. tvbcof's
ad hominem attacks on Bundy to misdirect attention away from the Fed
govt's abusive growth) is such an enormous waste of breath and time. The
only things that ever make a difference are technology that enables
individual action. I point that out in the above linked thread.