btct slipped a bit but BitFunder rose to replace it, been selling at 4.75.
Highest bid is 4.7. 35 green bars in a row, all buys & no sells for the last 14 hours.
On which exchange were the most SD shares being exchanged? I'm trying to find explanations with the difference with AM shares right now in btct.
I don't think any SD money has even gone to the PT-holders yet. Today has just been anticipation rather than an actual spending of SD money.
One thing that will be worth noting though is that there's a big manual delay withdrawing
BTC from btct to get it to other exchanges, but not the other way around. So if btct get they're money first, they have to spend it
there or wait for when the price may be higher if a panic buy starts. But if other exchanges get it first, the money can spread around.
As in, if btct pays SD holders first we might see an interesting spectacle where btct goes balls-out crazy bonkers to the moon while the others are lagged behind, but it probably wouldn't happen the other way.