Honestly I bought from another guy who orderder, batch 2 anyway, and this delay is good for my blades.
This will be a returning problem with people who buy up orders that other people placed: you did not read or
agree to the
http://store.avalon-asics.com/ "The no bullshit, no fine print terms of sale" disclaimer
What I am trying to say is that these companies, for my point of view, have no knowledge of what is customer care. And this is not matter of size but mentality. I have orders in BFL that have 7 months now!! Fully paid!!
Don't try and put Avalon and BFL in the same boat, BFL clearly had plenty of venture (vulture?) capital funding and plenty of personnel they hired. There is no excuse for BFL's trackrecord but frankly from their history of how they botched their FGPA (missed their shipping deadline and higher power consumption) you kind of had it coming...
Anyway I think they can employ some other people... (some hundred in China probably) with the money they have collected..
I don't think you are likely to find on a short notice a suitable replacement with experience to completement NGzang
They are currently dealing with improvements and redesign issues, this is not a matter of adding more shipping minions.