Even though things have gotten personal with the sleights and insults, one thing appears to me. That we are a community, and some of what has been brought up really needs to come to light, for the community about how things are being handled. They affect us all. Let's have a non-censored discussion.
It's actually in the best interest of everyone. Let everyone hear. If you all want to argue about whether so-and-so is acting Christian enough, then PMs are the way to go. But for community-wide issues, like how proposals work behind the scenes and potential conflicts of interest. How can we say that only affects one person who needs to work it out in private? I don't want to make any comparisons to political parties who employ that tactic. Let's just say it tends to end badly for all. I'm really hoping that doesn't happen here.
Do I, as the owner of a tiny amount of biblepay, have the right to understand the proposal process?
Is it true anyone can just "reboot" their proposal until it passes (those with the most votes can take full advantage of this?
Can proposals really be hidden, and who has the decision on that?
How many nodes does the lead dev have?
These are examples of questions that arise because information only comes out piecemeal, maybe leaked from private conversations and messages. I don't want to see this sad trend continue, so let's get things out in the light, maybe then it's easier to trust again? The problem with "let's just start over", is the questions that spawned the controversy are left unadressed. so the release of tension is only temporary. Then the cycle starts again, maybe with something new added to the fire. We can fix this, but we have to make some new patterns.
Edit: spelling.
I'm getting a larger understanding of things that have and can go on. I agree with you that these are valid concerns, and do need to get addressed.
What I'm working on is understanding. Until we can get to a starting place of respectful communication, nothing will get answered.
What is clear to me is this: (from your list)
1. Rob has several MN's (I read earlier in this thread for my speculation, he denies the number and has not, and seems like will not answer this).
2. The Block Chain allows Proposals to be re-submitted.. For Charting/statistics this is managed through the same proposal name, and ideally is used to prevent budget over-runs (something will not be paid if the budget overflows). There is a legitimate purpose to this. Can this be used maliciously yes? is it a level playing field (ie
3. The proposals are never hidden on the blockchain (rpc command "gobject list" will provide the full account). New ones with the same name hide the old one on the forum (and biblepay-central) only, this is for "reporting" purposes.
I don't mind having a more open discussion, I agree these are questions the "public" seems to want to know.
I will ask for some patience, and give me some time to find the details, and work in the background to work towards better transparency.
If you want answers, and progress, it will take effort. On all our parts.
I also know, from my discussions Rob has a grand vision for this project.. His goal is not to see it fail. (think about if you spent a year of your life working on something like this...)
My history here should be clear, I have no interest in being a "yes-man"... I will speak my mind, but if it is to be received how I speak it is just as important as what I say
This has been a learning journey for me as well.
By clean slate I was referring to not holding grudges, not just complaining, not saying "well we said this back then".... Act as if we were never here before and lets discuss issues as adults. (if you can't, at least pretend you are haha).
I also would rather have these more in-depth discussions on the official forums... These threads are a wealth of knowledge but it gets buried pages back and most won't go digging for the gold. (I know I personally cant do it at this point).
Hope all this makes sense, and we can start working together!