Don't forget, the community page is only lightly moderated (mostly against profanity and objectively damaging speech).
So by and large, your posts won't be deleted here. Biblepay has a lot of potential and the dev is certainly responsive to public pressure when its just not an outright attack.
Discuss, debate and improve. Accept the good the dev has done and accept his faults as well. Look for solutions and know the dev is most responsive to highly detailed highly solutions that have been implemented already and shown to work. So if you can code, bang around in the code (it's open) and see if you can fix anything. Good luck!
A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching by zthomasz.
Quote from: bible_pay on Today at 01:34:21 PM
Please try to be less argumentative and prideful, I realize you are trying to prove your point at any cost but its not about "you or me".
Truthfully 616WestWarmoth doesn't come across as either argumentative or prideful.
He doesn't spread fear, uncertainty and doubt. He respectfully contributes to the discussion and clearly articulates his position. He asks intelligent questions and gives intelligent responses. He doesn't appear to be trying to prove his point at any cost. In fact it sounds as if he is trying his best to help BiblePay succeed. I wish we had 10,000 more like him on our team.
Imagine how many orphans we could sponsor.
Quote from: zthomasz on Today at 01:12:14 AM
Quote from: bible_pay on February 18, 2019, 06:34:21 PM
Please try to be less argumentative and prideful, I realize you are trying to prove your point at any cost but its not about "you or me".
Truthfully 616WestWarmoth doesn't come across as either argumentative or prideful.
He doesn't spread fear, uncertainty and doubt. He respectfully contributes to the discussion and clearly articulates his position. He asks intelligent questions and gives intelligent responses. He doesn't appear to be trying to prove his point at any cost. In fact it sounds as if he is trying his best to help BiblePay succeed. I wish we had 10,000 more like him on our team.
Imagine how many orphans we could sponsor.
Thanks! Maybe some day I will earn enough respect for you to stick up for me when I'm being bashed or sworn at.