What make-up? About what you speak. I provided proofs, there are all files which I sent Dave and correspondence is visible. I don't need your coins. The person who provided to me a wallet demands return of the sum. And dave doesn't hurry to send or at all decided not to give.
Why do you think Dave is in control of the money?
The guy demanding to be given his coins by you might as well have moved the coins himself. It's a trap!
Hi All.
Ok, here is the actual situation, with regards to the 100 BTC in question:
This wallet first surfaced in June 2014. Refer to the thread in this forum at
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=663544.20The wallet was actually stolen from an FTP site, and belongs to a respected user on this forum,
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/technologov-105669 This wallet has been floating around the internet since then, but it has a strong password, and has never been cracked.
Over the years, I have been sent this wallet several times, by different people. (and when it was first sent to me, I didn't realize it was stolen, and I tried to crack it, but without success.)
Anyway, a few days ago, this new guy, 'User Good', sent me the wallet. Not knowing the details of the wallet, I agreed to my standard contract of a 20% success fee. However once he sent me the wallet, I realized that this was the stolen wallet from 2 years ago.
At this point, I sent an email to the actual owner, informing him that this wallet was floating around with a bunch of hackers. He then moved the coins from that compromised wallet to somewhere else. I informed 'User Good' about exactly what had occurred.
That would normally be the end of the (happy) story, however now 'User Good' is badgering me for the return of 'his' 100 BTC. He even admits that the wallet was sent to him from someone else, and he has no idea of the password. He threatened to vilify me on the forums unless I sent him some bitcoins. I informed the actual owner (Technologov) about this, and he kindly clarified the situation - see the last posting in the thread at
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=663544.0;allAll the information above is verifiable, and I have email conversations to prove it, including my correspondence with the rightful owner.